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All-style karate world championships 2022

March 8-15, 2022 Suzdal (Russia) to receive All-style karate world championships and International IASKF Festival

Competitions will be held in all-style karate 3 disciplines: limited contact, full contact, and full contact in means of protection. More than 1000 participants from more than 25 countries are expected.

All-style karate World Championships will be held for the 2nd time. The first competitions being participated by the strongest world athletes were held in Moscow in 2019 and gathered 1500 athletes from 36 countries. There were all continents represented except Australia.

In 2022 organizers of the competitions are the International All-style Karate Federation (IASKF) and All-style Karate Federation of Russia supported by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Venue: “Suzdal Arena” Sport Hall (45 Korovniki str., Suzdal, Vladimir region, Russia).

Concerning accommodation, meals, flights, transfer, arrival, and departures please feel free to contact Mrs. Olga ZHIREKHINA
Tel/WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram: +7(977)762-86-16

Contact person in the International All-style Karate Federation – Mrs. Julia KERDYVAR
Tel/WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram: +7(903)138-92-54

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