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Invitation to NKKO Summer Camp in Norway

Here is the invitation to the NKKO summer camp in Norway

from 28. June to 02. July 2017

 NKKO summer camp

The camp is open to all styles and organizations. The camp motto is: – TIME TO BE UNITED –



  • Shihan Antonio Pinero 8th Dan, President EKF ( European Kyokushin Federation )
  • Shihan Javier Lezcano 5th Dan, World champion in KATA and several European fight titles.
  • Sensei Pablo Estensoro 4th Dan, one of Europe’s best fighters.

Head Instructors from NKKO:

  • Sensei Geir Havreberg 4. Dan
  • Sensei Tom Sølve Erga 4. Dan
  • Sensei Gorm Øian 4. Dan
  • Sensei Jarle Sundvor 4. Dan
  • Sensei Geir Rune Tøge 3. Dan  (President NKKO)


There will be special classes for fighters together with the Norwegian National team. This is a good opportunity to prepare for this years tournaments together with the best students and instructors. This is a very good possibility to meet and train with fighters from all over Europe.

Kata competitors

Special classes for kata competitors together with the Norwegian National team.  The NKKO have a very high standard in kata and our National Coach together with our international instructors will help you to improve.

General class

There will be general classes three times every day focusing on kata, basic, fighting and selfdefense.

This class will be specially for people who are not competing in fighting or kata.


Special classes for kids with their own instructors and a lot of fun.  The class will focus on basic Kyokushin training and our instructors have long experience in training kids.

Dan/kyu grading

Sunday morning the NKKO will have dan/kyu exam for our students.

Shihan Antonio Pinero will be responsible for the exam together with the NKKO.

Please contact Sensei Geir Rune Tøge (grtoge@hotmail) if you want to attend the grading.

This is a link to the Invitation form:

This is a link to Facebook Group

NKKO Sommerleir Invitasjon 2017_eng


We hope to see you at our camp.

Sensei Geir Rune Tøge
Norwegian Kyokushin Karate Org.

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