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The First KWU Germany meeting

At the 17th December was held the first KWU Germany meeting!

All representatives, who are KWU – members or KWU – partners, get involved in the first discussion and create first decisions.

On this big meeting attended:

  1. Michael Schramm — Shihan IFK
  2. Alexander Hertzfeldt – IFK president Germany
  3. Sergey Ritter — Bonn-Dojo sensei (Shin-Kyokushin) (online tel. present)
  4. Dmitrij Videnin — Rengokai country representative of Germany (online tel. present)
  5. Andrey Perminov — judge KWU
  6. Marcel Zimmermann – representative WIBK
  7. Maxim Bederov – main partner Kyokushin-kan Germany
  8. Oleg Shorin – Inform.person Kyokushin-kan
  9. Ivan Demanov – secretary of this meeting
  10. Alexey Demanov – country representative of Germany Kyokushin-kan

At this meeting Shihans and Senseis made the most important decisions for KWU – Germany:

  1. Regulations for choosing the national coach at the European and World championships
  2. Championships for forming a national team (juniors and adults)
  3. Judge education – rules of KWU.
  4. Collaboration of the KWU members and partners in trainingcamps, meetings, mini – tournaments.
  5. Information about KWU Germany in form of internet, newspaper, E-mail, calendar.
  6. Choosing the “contact person” of KWU Germany (Alexey Demanov)
  7. Choosing the chairman of KWU Germany (Maxim Bederov)

Sensei Alexey Demanov wrote: Thanks a lot to everyone who was taking a part in our meeting! A personally thanks goes to Maxim Bederov who give us the opportunity to hold this meeting in his office. This bring our meeting to a high level. OSU!

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