Kyokushin World Union – KWU
have the pleasure to invite you to
European championship KWU for Children and Youth
Date: Saturday, 18.03.2017
Place: Barnim Gymnasium Ahrensfelder Chaussee 41, 13057 Berlin, Deutschland
Organizer: KWU Germany and Karate school „Dankezu” – Berlin
Principal Judge: Shihan Ramil Gabbasov (Russia), Sensei Alexey Demanov (Germany), Secretary – Sensei Prolet Vasileva (Bulgaria)
Guest of honour: Hanshi Steve Arneil, Shihans: Andre Drewniak, David Pickthal, Ivo Kamenov, Loek Hollander, Antonio Pinero, Secretary of KWU Sergey Suvorov
Please download the Provisions: ENGLISH and RUSSIAN

[bctt tweet=”Тhe deadline for applications is 04.02.2017. OSU! #kyokushin” username=”kwunion”]