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Dmitry Savelyev Seminar in Costa Rica (pictures)

KWF Kyokushinkai Organization of Costa Rica hosted

an International Seminar with World Champion Sensei Dmitry Savelyev.

Seminar in Costa Rica

The seminar was focused on high competition training and preparation as well as fighting techniques.

[bctt tweet=”There are no special secrets, ONLY HARD TRAINING!” username=”kwunion”]

The Seminar was covered by National media in newspaper and with an interview for National Television to promote Kyokushinkai.

One of the most important things we learned from Savelyev is that he told us that “There are no special secrets, ONLY HARD TRAINING.” That the difference between Russian fighters and why they are right now at the highest level of Kyokushinkai is that they train twice or three times as much as fighters from other countries and regions.

Here are pictures from official Facebook page of Kyokushinkai Costa Rica

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