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KWUCAMP: 2016 Bulgarian Summer camp

July 3, 2016 on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, in the resort town of Kamchia, near by Varna,

started one of the most serious Kyokushin International summer camp for this year.

The 10th International Summer camp of the Bulgarian Federation under the direction of the KWU with historical number of participants: 900 athletes from 13 countries and four international organizations share experiences and gain new skills not only in Kyokushin, but also in related martial arts.Bulgarian Summer camp

Classic Kyokushin training are only two a day – morning and evening, plus a special class to prepare for Dan-test, which takes place separately.

Every day about twenty instructors, Shihans and Senseis, lead trainings and workshops for athletes, divided into groups by age, belts and sports level.

Before lunch, in the daily schedule is exercise in wrestling for competing athletes. Very cool training under the guidance of Sensei Stoyan Dimov. He has high levels of skills and understanding of the wrestling itself.

The main evening training session, regardless of age and level of training, takes place on a large green sports field. This was training sessions where all karatekas are divided into groups of 8-10. Groups are engaged on several types of training: from Kihon and Bunkai, to kickboxing and working with objects.

Absolute World Champion Zachary Damjanov – the new member of Bulgarian Kyokushinkan, is on trainings, but still no participation in them.

Shihan Ramil Gabbassov, in addition to general training, conducts seminars for judges because experienced judges are the key to the quality of the high-level tournaments. On the first day of camp launched a football tournament and now KWUCAMP have our own European Football Championship. Good luck to all and let the best team win!

But the best is yet to come!

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