Last week in Tunisia there was The 1st Open Kyokushin African Championship.
The Head Judge of the Championships, CEO of the Russian Union of Martial Arts Shihan Ramil Gabbasov spoke on the significance of the tournament and popularization of Kyokushin.
Shihan Gabbasov answered some questions and shared his opinion about the tournament and what is going on in the international summer calendar.
– Shihan, some days ago you returned from Tunisia where The 1st Open Kyokushin African Championship took place. What is your impression?
– First of all I would like to note that a year ago the absolute Kyokushin world champion Sensei Zahari Damyanov and I came to Tunisia to hold training sessions and judges seminars. Despite the different level both of the sportsmen and judges I saw the great willing to study and improve. More than that head of the Tunisian Kyokushin Federations were sure that only being united they can achieve great goals. And as a result this year they managed to hold a tournament with the participants from Tunisia, Iraq, South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Russia and France on a high level. The road will be mastered by the going.
– As we know one of the main criterium of the successful competitions is good judgement. What can you say about judges work during the tournament?
– There are also questions to judges at the competitions of different level and especially when they are being held for the first time. We need judges seminars to settle out disputable questions. I can say with absolute satisfaction that all the seminars were held at the atmosphere of vivid discussion and with a big amount of questions. I did my best to answer all of them. This is the only right path. Not mistaken is the only one who does nothing. And take this opportunity to I would like to thank all the judges who worked at this tournament for their professionalism.
– Shihan, what can you say about the main outcome of the championships?
– We all know that Kyokushin is a big family that unites people of different cultures and nationalities. And it was proved at this tournament. Holding such events make a great contribution to unity of people in this region that is very important these days. This is a great merit of the organizers – Kobeib Hechini, Lofti Seket, Khabib Faryallah and others who promote Kyokushin at the African continent. I would like to thank them and stress that they are doing great job that is impossible to overestimate. I would like to note that Africa is 55 countries with the population of more than one billion people. Having such great potential Kyokushin has good prospects in African continent.
– The tournament was held under the auspices of the Kyokushin World Union. What other significant KWU events will be held soon?
– The most important event will be International summer camp in Kamchia that will be held for the 12th times at the beginning of July in Bulgaria. Traditionally more than 1000 sportsmen from all over the world will take part. Spirit of the camp corresponds to the motto of KWU – Time to be United. And I do hope to see the participants of the The first Open Kyokushin African Championship there. See you soon!