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Play True Day – a day that is dedicated to Clean Sport

Since 2014, in April of every year, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the anti-doping community worldwide have celebrated ‘Play True Day’ – a day that is dedicated to Clean Sport and is intended to raise awareness among athletes, the sporting public, and others about the importance of protecting Clean Sport.

Kyokushin World Union is committed to enforcing sport free from any stimulants included in the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA Prohibited list. Our Regulations aim at systematizing the requirements for anti-doping control and the possible sanctions that may occur during the KWU kumite competitions. Compliance with these Regulations is mandatory at all stages of sports competitions.

To implement anti-doping control within KWU, the Executive Committee establishes the KWU Anti-Doping Commission, which operates in accordance with international law and these Regulations.

In its work, the Commission is guided by the anti-doping standards of the WADA Code, carries out the development of guidelines and programs, implements athletes monitoring.

Regulations for Anti-Doping Policies of KWU

Положение по антидопинговой политике в КВЮ

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