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KWU fighters on Scottish Open 2017 (results)

Ireland, England, Wales, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway and Scotland attended at this years tournament.

Ladies Open LW
1st Aneta Meskauskiene IFK Ireland
2nd Sanne Larsson Shin Kyokushin Sweden
3rd Irene Jensen Skjelfjord NKKO Norway

Ladies Open HW
1st Zita Zatyko Kyokushinkan Scotland
2nd Samantha Williams BKK Wales
3rd Kirsten Smith BKK England

Mens Open LW
1st Hans Kristian Havreberg NKKO Norway
2nd Daniel Fryer BKK England
3rd Lewis Kalicinski IKO Wales

Mens Open MW
1st Rasmus Orstad NKKO Norway
2nd Kelvin Tienstra IFK Netherlands
3rd Bjorn Erik Orstad NKKO Norway

Mens Open HW
1st Eivind Naerland NKKO Norway
2nd Dave King IFK Ireland
3rd Kristian Soyland Shin Kyokushin Norway

Congratulations to all participants and winners! OSU!!



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