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SENSHI 8: Artem Pashporin – Farkhad Akhmejanau (video)

Fight number six at SENSHI 8 was between two excellent muay thai fighters from Russia and Belarus. Artem Pashporin and Farkhad Akhmejanau fought under the KWU SENSHI rules in the -70 kg. division. The multiple times’ world champ Pashporin scored his second win in his second appearance in SENSHI. Nevertheless, Akhmejeanau was a serious opposition and made Pashporin work a lot to get the victory.

SENSHI 8 is being conducted with the assistance of the KWU International Professional League, chaired by Shihan Ivo Kamenov, as well as with the special support of Armeec Insurance JSC, MAX Sport, Bulgaria AIR, and BMW-M car.

Media partners: Boec.BG and Boec.ComBulgaria ON AIRFITE.TVGol.bgTopsport.bgRussian Union of Martial Arts and Kyokushinkarate.News

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