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Andy Souwer: Throughout my whole career I wore a mask that separates my personal and professional life (video)

Andy Souwer was a particular guest lecture ad the Nicolas Petas’s Mastermind class in the company of Albert Kraus and Mariyan Valev. They wore a part of this year’s KWU SENSHI camp in Kamchia, Bulgaria. We contacted Andy for an exclusive interview about his kickboxing career in the past 20 years. He shared that the whole time, he was wearing a mask that separated his personal life from his business and vice versa.

I see the similarities between being an actor and being a fighter because I’m more experienced; I am older now. So, throughout my life, I wore a mask. I was wearing the image of being the fighter Andy Souwer. I have been doing that all my life, not only in my career but also in the fighting. I was always in self-destruction and insecurity, and there never was a balance. So, I feel similar to the actor somehow. In a fight, I was doing the opposite. I was in control, I was fast, I was stiff, and after the war, I had breathing, and people wore thinking that this guy was straight, really  good, he works hard, his work rate is reasonable, he sleeps, rests, eats, trains in the schedule. Actually, it was, but I also had mental problems because of that as a human being“, said Souwer.

He also shared some of his most challenging moments when first he was forced to listen to his father to leave football and go for kickboxing, and after that when he needed to change his coaches in order to find unconsciously the father figure who needed to push him again to his limits to shine in the ring.

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