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Training Seminar KWF-ARMENIA

Тhe president of the Kyokushin Karate National Federation international

Black Belt 4th Dan Sensey Spartak Gasparyan’s initiative and with a direct participation took place a training seminar at Olympic Sports Complex, with participation of the federation coaches as well as some of the experienced pupils.

Artur Arushanyan (KWU World champion), Hrach Grigoryan, Grisha Torosyan (2nd place winner), Narek Gabrielyan (Japan Cup champion ), Hunan Mikayelyan (Caucasus Prize winner), and doctor traumatologist-orthopedist Janik Asteyan, during which an exchange of experience and discussion of new useful information took place.

We would like to inform you that such seminar-training are planned to be held in the near future as it is an exciting innovation for the participants.

We are grateful for all the participants, and we will regularly post on our page the details and pictures of the exciting workshop.


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