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Team Rosin/IFK Sweden Winter camp 2023

Invitation Winter camp 2023

Purpose: pre-season camp focused on mainly sparring and partner drills as well as general physical preparation.

Dates: 2-8th of January 2023.

Location: Brynäs Kyokushin dojo. Upplandsgatan 19, 802 83 Gävle Sweden (ca 170 km north of Stockholm).

Cost: the camp is free, but participants have to arrange their own lunch and dinner. A simple breakfast is provided by the organizers.

Accommodation: you may sleep in the dojo for free. Bring your own sleeping bag, pillow, and mattress. There are also hotels in the area.

Schedule: 3 training sessions/day, rest day 5th of January. The detailed schedule will be released later.

Equipment: 1-2 sets of protection for sparring, training clothes for indoor and outdoor training, and running shoes.

Registration: via email: or DM to Jonas either on FB or Instagram. Limited to only 30 places!

Travel: All travel costs have to be covered by the participants themselves, the organizers will be able to pick you up in Gävle. The closest airport is Arlanda ca 140km south of Gävle. There are regular train and bus connections between Gävle and Arlanda.

Best regards
Jonas Rosin
Team Rosin/IFK Sweden

Invitation.jan 2023

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