Training with the special participation of Shihan Ivo Kamenov
– Chairman of KWU’s Professional League and Chairman of Bulgarian’s Association of martial sports, and the world K-1 series champions Peter Arts and Semmy Schilt was included in the 13th Summer International Kyokushin Camp in Kamchia this year.
The three of them shared their knowledge and skills with a number of world, European and national kickboxing, muay thay and karate Kyokushin champions. Fighters from 28 different countries participated in the largest seminar, which traditionally takes place near Varna, and is organized by the Bulgarian Karate Kyokushin Federation and Kyokushin World Union (KWU).
In this article:IFK, karate, KWF, KWU, kwuCAMP, KWUnion, Kyokushin, Kyokushin-kan, Martial Arts, Peter Aerts, Semmy Shilt, Shihan Ivo Kamenov