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KWU Senshi camp Day 2: Speed, endurance and hard kicks

Speed ​​and endurance were required by instructors Peter Aerts and Semmy Schilt during the evening training of the second day of the KWU International Professional League’s camp in Varna (March 19-21).

This is the third edition of the master class in 2021, as the previous one in February was with international participation.

The camp with the legends Peter Aerts and Semmy Schilt is held in the Palace of Culture and Sports and will last until Sunday.

Stand up for your victory! Be fast!” Shouted the four-time world heavyweight champion, Semmy Schilt, during the warm-up.

Three-time K-1 champion Peter Aerts worked with the group of instructors. Their activity began on the bags. The exercises were concentrated on the kicks.

“Don’t sleep! Don’t sleep! It’s time for work – I want you to cut with these kicks – boom!”, was shouting Aerts.

More from day 2 and interesting pictures, here:

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