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IFK USA Summer camp 2022

The USA-IFK held their annual summer camp from July 21st to 24th, led by Shihan David Pickthall, President of the IFK (7th Dan)

On July 21st the Summer Camp began at Gray Wolf Martial Arts in Holley, NY before transitioning to Fighting Spirit Karate in Gardiner, NY for the remaining three days.

Shihan David led a total of 11 training sessions, including Kihon, Kata, and Kumite. Around 75 different participants from 4 Countries attended the camp over the four days of training including Shihan Michael Monaco, USA-IFK President & IFK Board Member (8th Dan).

Camp ended with Dan Grading where 16 candidates from 3 countries successfully passed for the following grades:

Sensei Michael Brotchie (UK)
Sensei Mike Thireos (USA)
Sensei Jack Welsh (USA)

Senpai Reggie Gold (USA)
Senpai Tuari Schenker (USA)
Senpai Lisa Cook (USA)
Senpai Kaitlyn Cook (USA)
Senpai Wojtek Arentewicz (USA)
Senpai Dae’Shaun Moore (USA)

Senpai Benjamin Shannon (USA)
Senpai Asher Rosen (USA)
Senpai Lyric Schenker (USA)
Senpai Jack Dunphy (USA)
Senpai McDarren Paschal (USA)
Senpai Brian Marchena (ARUBA)
Senpai Richa Rai (USA)

The USA-IFK would Like to Thank Shihan David, Shihan Monaco, the Entire IFK Organization, and USA-IFK Staff for making this year’s camp a possibility.

More pictures and videos IFK Kyokushin Facebook page


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