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IFK South America Country Representatives meeting

During the first weekend of June, IFK South America Country Representatives hold a virtual meeting with the aim of sharing experiences on different topics and continue growing; temporarily replacing the in-person meetings held at South America Tournaments.

 The main items in the agenda were as follows,

  • each country provided a summary on how they are dealing with training and activities during the pandemic,

  • Colombia was confirmed as host for the 5th South America Tournament in 2023,

  • a monthly training agenda was agreed to be set with virtual training sessions for America instructors, welcoming of course IFK colleges wanting to participate.


  • Argentina: Shihan Julio Romero

  • Brazil: Sensei Jeovaldo Barreto

  • Chile: Senpai Germán Carú

  • Colombia: Senpai Oscar Sanabria

  • Perú: Senpai Fernando Ríos

  • Uruguay: Sensei Germán Carballo

  • Venezuela: Senpai Hugo Luciani

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