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Crawley Take Top Spot Again At The English Open

The Crawley Dojo once again had amazing results at the English Open Full Contact Championships on 10th April. Forty-five teams from eighteen organizations took part in the first contact event since the pandemic and the club came out on top with seven gold, five silver, and a bronze.

Olivia Pickthall Womens -60kg Champion

Blake Collins Men’s -80kg Champion

Steven Papworth Men’s -85kg Vets Champion

Nick Buckfield Men’s -85kg Vets 2nd place

Mia Hawkins Women’s Novice -60kg Champion

Ashley Black U18 -68kg Champion

Elvin Vaskys U16 -70kg 2nd place

Sophie Edwards U14 -50kg 2nd place

Isaac Warnfeldt Rush U14 -50kg 2nd place

Scarlett Higareda U12 -60kg 2nd place

Will Power Pee Wee Low-Grade Champion

Henry Higareda Pee Wee Low-Grade 3rd place

Mason Hennessey Pee Wee High-Grade Champion

Fantastic achievement to all!

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