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From 23 to 29 July, the All-Ukrainian Summer School

for KYOKUSHIN KWF 2018 was held under the guidance of KWF representative in Ukraine, Sensei Dmitry Nikolaev (4 Dan).


Over 100 sportsmen from Mykolaiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Cherkassy, Zaporozhye and Chernigov regions took part in the sporting event. The main goal of the summer school is to establish team work, restart and prepare for the new season.

For the participants of the school an intensive training program was prepared, the athletes were divided into groups with different levels of training and complexity, for kihon trainings and kumite trainings. In addition to daily training sessions, athletes competed in the championships in the section “Kata” and by the rules of the struggle “Sumo”. Champions and prize-winners were solemnly awarded with diplomas, cups and medals.

Funny relay races, competitions, games in football and volleyball helped to make friends with the youngest participants of the school. They showed their strength, agility, and ingenuity. The culmination of the summer school was kyu and dan tests.

Text and photos by KWF UKRAINE: KFU – Kyokushin kai Federation of Ukraine

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