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The official medals of the 3rd KWU World Championship – pictures and video

Here are pictures and video from TASS Russian News Agency

and press conference that was held on October 17

official medals 3rd KWU World Championship

On press conference attended Deputy Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region Mr. Yakov Petrov, General Secretary of the Kyokushin World Union – KWU Mr. Sergey Suvorov, Head coach of the Russian National team Shihan Andrey Bura and participant of the KWUCHAMP, Ivan Tumashev.


All NewsKWUCHAMP 2017 / KWUCHAMP 2017 promo video

Official website of the 3rd KWU World championship among men and women in weight

Follow Kyokushin World Union – KWU Social networks: @KWUnion

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