In the last days before the championship we will introduce you favorites of the 3rd KWUCHAMP
The forecast based on the current statistics of athletes is nothing more than a forecast. At the World Championship 2015, the most “calculated” forecasts did not concur even by 50%.
Weight category over 95 kg (17 participants)
The winners of previous two World Championships in this weight category are:
- Tilov Artur (Russia);
- Samadurov Vasily (Russia).
The current world champion Vasily Samadurov will once again storm the top of his weight class.

Vasily Samadurov (in right)
His main competitors in the medal race will be former bronze medalists of KWU World Championships Roel Noordman, Hristo Georgiev and Cristian Garcia.

Hristo Georgiev
The Japanese fighter Seiya Fushimi and the fighter of the Lithuanian national team Guzauskas Eventas will also be serious contenders.

Guzauskas Eventas (in left)
In this article:IFK, karate, KWF, KWU, KWUchamp, KWUnion, Kyokushin, Kyokushin-kan, Martial Arts, Russia 2017