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KWUCAMP: Varna Cup 2018 all the finals in the women’s division (video)

Within KWU Camp 2018 was held the annual “Varna Cup”

among the cadets in age group 18-21 years old. Here are RESULTS.

Here are all the finals in women’s division:

Final -50 Gulnaz Galymzhanova (Kazakhstan) – Victoriya Naskova (Bulgaria, aka)

Final -55 Hana Dziatko (Belarus) – Iya Kostova (Bulgaria, aka)

Final -60 Natalia Beisembaeva (Russia, aka) – Agnes Westrin (Sweden)

Final -65 Lubomira Nikolova (Bulgaria) – Donika Zhelyazkova (Bulgaria)

The final will be uploaded as soon as possible!

Final +65 Alemgul Sabyrkhan (Kazakhstan) – Anastasiia Nesterenko (Ukraine)
Final did not take place due to medical decision

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#KWUCAMP 2018 all news HERE

Downloads camp’s schedules:  Schedule – English  /  Расписание – Russian

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