Female samurai warriors, known as “onna-bugeisha,” were a rare but remarkable phenomenon in medieval Japan. While the term “samurai” is often associated with male...
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Female samurai warriors, known as “onna-bugeisha,” were a rare but remarkable phenomenon in medieval Japan. While the term “samurai” is often associated with male...
GI: Righteousness and Rectitude Moral conduct is the foundation of conduct. This includes right action, honesty, with a strong belief in justice for all...
Toshiro Mifune is one of the greatest actors of all time. An actor who could truly do it all. Making his name in Samurai...
When you think of samurai, you may think of their armor and swordsmanship or even the Bushido Code they followed. You may also think...
The samurai did most of his fighting with the long katana, shown above. Its forged steel blade was the secret of its strength. At...
One of the greatest samurai that ever lived, Miyamoto Musashi, created a bunch of rules to live by. Born in 1584, he was a...
The samurai did most of his fighting with the long katana, shown above. Its forged steel blade was the secret of its strength. At...
There is no shortage of stories about legendary Japanese samurai warriors in modern pop culture; but most stories only feature the male ones. ...
On November 17th Kyokushin karate Federation of Armenia hosted “Samurai” Championship at “Mika” Sports Hall, with 437 children and juniors taking part in the...